Australia’s Healthcare Scandal

While Australia suffers a nursing shortage due to vaccine mandates, professional healthcare workers sacked for choosing not to accept the experimental Covid jab are ready willing and able to get back to work.

Reignite Democracy Australia, November 16, 2022.

Progress so far – #LetUsSaveLives campaign

We had our first demonstration tonight in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. We’ll be back for the next two nights sharing the same message. Find out all about it here – https://www.reignitedemocracyaustrali…

Day 2 – #LetUsSaveLives campaign

Tonight is our last demonstration. Come support us at 7pm local time. – Royal Melbourne Hospital – Royal Adelaide Hospital – Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital – St Vincent’s Hospital (Sydney) See more about the campaign here – https://www.reignitedemocracyaustrali…

Source: Reignite Democracy Australia

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