What REALLY Got Gina Carano Cancelled

Gina Carano
Gina Carano has been found guilty of wrongthink.

By Kit Knightly.

Don’t believe the lies about “racism”, the actress and former athlete has been found guilty of wrongthink. Nothing more.

We don’t comment on pop-culture much, but as the incredibly fine line between politics and entertainment begins to fade totally out of existence the overlap becomes harder and harder to ignore.

Plus, sometimes something is just so unfair you have to take a moment to correct the record.

Actress and former MMA fighter Gina Carano has lost her role in Disney’s hit Star Wars spin-off “The Mandalorian”, lost out on her own spin-off series and been dropped by her agent.

All this is the result of a series of social media posts described as “abhorrent” in a press release from LucasFilm …

Read the full article at Off Guardian.

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