
Non-pharmaceutical” interventions do not work.

Lockdowns are a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

By Daniel Jeanmonod MD. “Non-pharmaceutical” interventions do not work, and are doing far more harm than good An important study in Frontiers in Public Health on the data delivered by 160 countries has found no…

Robert Kennedy Jr Instagram deplatformed

RFK, Jr. Responds to Instagram’s Removal of His Account

By Children’s Health Defense Team. RFK, Jr.’s Instagram account was deplatformed Wednesday. Dozens of media outlets reported the censorship, saying the account was removed over “vaccine misinformation,” a characterization Kennedy unequivocally rejected. Wednesday, Robert F….

My viruses probably killed thousands.

Confessions of a Killer

If the “science” is right I must have killed thousands of people in my lifetime. You see, by the time I turned ten I had suffered all of the contagious childhood illnesses including measles, mumps…

Spot the lockdowns

Can You Spot the Lockdowns?

Here are graphs of deaths attributed to Covid-19 in six countries. Some had strict lockdown measures; some didn’t. Can you tell which did and which didn’t? If the lockdown, physical distancing and masking rules were…