Robert Kennedy Jr Instagram deplatformed

RFK, Jr. Responds to Instagram’s Removal of His Account

By Children’s Health Defense Team. RFK, Jr.’s Instagram account was deplatformed Wednesday. Dozens of media outlets reported the censorship, saying the account was removed over “vaccine misinformation,” a characterization Kennedy unequivocally rejected. Wednesday, Robert F….

My viruses probably killed thousands.

Confessions of a Killer

If the “science” is right I must have killed thousands of people in my lifetime. You see, by the time I turned ten I had suffered all of the contagious childhood illnesses including measles, mumps…

UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

An Eerie Nuclear Silence

A remarkable thing happened on October 24, 2020. It is a date that should go down in history. And yet, as far as I can tell there was barely a mention by the major news…