Propaganda Perpetuates the Pandemic and Censorship
Propaganda strategies were used to get people to support irrational COVID measures such as masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates.
Propaganda strategies were used to get people to support irrational COVID measures such as masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates.
From the start, many scientists pointed out that there was little-to-no evidence to substantiate the WHO’s declaration of a “global pandemic.
The objectives are most likely to be totalitarian control by means of mandatory digital IDs and cashless central bank digital currencies.
The media ignore the basics of healthy immune function and the importance of early treatment to push the narrative that the only solution is an injection.
The Australian government has been leading the pack on Covid-based tyranny from the beginning, but are they pushing their citizens to breaking point?
Barely acknowledged by the mainstream media, and then only in derogatory coverage, massive freedom rallies have taken place around the world.
Concerns that Australian government agents are acting outside their powers may imperil the lives of patients with respect to COVID-19.
Staying home, social distancing, and hand washing were the first steps in the slippery slope towards medical martial law. Then came the lockdowns and mandatory face mask policies.