All over the world lives, livelihoods and freedoms have been destroyed by lockdowns and border closures. Health and bodily autonomy have been violated by mask mandates, and plans to mandate coronavirus vaccinations* are being rolled out internationally.
Barely acknowledged by the mainstream media, and then only in derogatory coverage, massive freedom rallies have taken place around the world. The latest took place on Saturday, July 24 with people from all walks of life taking a stand against excessive coronavirus restriction measures and demanding restoration of their fundamental rights including:
* Freedom of Speech.
* Freedom of Choice.
* Freedom of Movement.
* Freedom of Assembly.
* Freedom of Health.

The World-Wide Rally For Freedom began in Kassel, Germany early in 2020 and has now grown to become part of a global freedom movement. Saturday’s international rally was the third so far with people taking to the streets in more than one hundred and fifty cities across the globe. Just a few are featured here.
Now that so many nations have established organisations for freedom demonstrations, international collaboration is possible. The actions of governments during the coronavirus crisis is an international disaster that calls for an International response.
The next World-Wide Rally For Freedom will take place on Saturday, September 18, 2021 and is expected to involve protests in 180 countries.
Citizens who oppose the coronavirus policies of their own government are encouraged to participate as one massive and peaceful community to demand an end to the current restrictions, authoritarian control measures, and tyrannical suppression of dissent by police forces.
* These are not vaccines in the usual sense, where weakened or dead virus particles are injected to activate an immune system response. Instead the Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and J&J Janssen shots use “investigational” (experimental) gene based technology. They have not completed the years long trials usually required for approval and are “provisionally approved” or “authorised” under emergency legislation.

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